November was Art Wars time in Barbados....

The month of November and early December were taken up with the Barbados Art Wars, 4 sessions of artists competing against each other, sponsored by Absolut Vodka. 10 contestants started out....the challenge was to complete a painting in about 3 hours, according to a specific theme and following specific guidelines. I made it to Round Three, held at CopaCabana on Bay Street in Barbados....this is the painting that resulted on the theme of Clarity....

The other themes were Bold.....

She, standing tall, 48 x 36", acrylic on canvas


and Transformation

Venus unmasked copy.jpg

In this painting, “Transformation: Venus Unmasked”, I deal with the subject of everywoman, Venus, finding her own space. In everyday life she wears many masks…the mask of lover, mother, daughter, of provider, consoler, teacher.  Rarely is she able to drop the mask and be herself. Here I allow her to be herself, however briefly. She looks out to sea, the source of endless transformation, symbolized by the spiral, the stylized waves, universal symbol of change.

Clarity, 48 x 36, acrylic on canvas

In this painting, “SHE — standing tall”, I deal with the subject everywoman, SHE, facing the world boldly, courageously, in spite of challenges physical, mental or societal. In an Absolut world there are no boundaries for gender, age, capability. Bold is celebrating who you are.
